Episode #1931: Sock It To Me

Join us as we remember the legendary Al Jaffee, explore the New York International Car Show, and glam up with Chad's vanity lights. Plus, we look at the bizarre Museum of Failures for a hilarious look at some of history's biggest flops!

Released: Apr 15, 2023
Duration: 1:14:51

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Show Notes

Gadget #1: New York International Car Show!

Giz Wiz Video: https://youtu.be/cX-sA2Xp4eg

Gadget #2: What the heck is it? #1

Giz Wiz Video: https://youtu.be/qZ7qZXr_nkk

Check the latest price on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3KAQxeP

Gadget #3: What the heck is it? #2

Giz Wiz Video: https://youtu.be/Ct-BYLfWkDo

Check the latest price on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3ofLRU3

Chad's Crappy Corner: LPHUMEX Led Vanity Mirror Lights


Dick’s Gadget Warehouse

This is almost our all-”what the heck is it?” show! Mo Torres, our most loyal and frequent contributor takes us to the Museum Of Failures!


Museum of Failure (03-24-2023) 900 3rd Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11232 GiZ WiZ

Map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Museum+of+Failure/@40.6570487,-74.0074955,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x89c25b6c7d0d2cbf:0x7f7988d718d0627!8m2!3d40.6570447!4d-74.0053068!16s%2Fg%2F11sjcv7gq3

For info on all the gadgets Chad & The Giz Wiz showed, visit www.gizwiz.biz or the mobile friendly version www.gizwiz.me.