CES 2025

Welcome to our fundraising page for our trip to CES 2025! Your support will provide us with the resources to make the trip to CES 2025. All of the money raised will go towards flights, hotel, Ubers, and equipment. We are dedicated to bringing you the same dunb information on the latest in technology!

Our goal is to raise $1550 to cover our expenses to CES. If we raise more than that goal, we will use the extra funds to build out the Giz Wiz Studio. Here is a breakdown of how the funds will be used:

CES Goal:

- Airfare for two people: $800

- Accommodations: $750 ($150/night for 5 nights)

Your generous donations will help us make this amazing journey a reality and we would be so grateful for your support.

Any donation is appreciated, the default is set to $15 but that can be changed to anything you want!